Public Speaking Competitions


Banyandah Toastmasters members have wonderful opportunities to enter speech contests. Winners at Club level go on to compete at Area level contest, then the winners go on to the Division Contest and winners then go on to compete at State or District level. Winning at District level can then take you to the International stage!

By speaking in front of different audiences in a competitive way, speech contests are excellent for taking one’s public speaking even further.

The different competitions available with Toastmasters include humourous speaking, speech evaluation, table topics and international speech contests.

Join Banyandah Toastmasters Today!

Guests can attend a couple of meetings free of charge. Our meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the Month, 6.45 for 7 pm start.

Venue: Dome Coffees building, 219-221 Railway Parade, Maylands
(Entry via the door around the corner on the far right of the building)

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